~You are my heart you are my soul
the essence of my life~
~You are the part that makes me whole
my every reason why~
~You own my thoughts the all of day
and rule my dreams of night~
~And when I kneel to God I pray
to keep you in his sight~
~You are the flame that lights my life
and guides me in the dark~
~When I am wrong you show me right
always with regard~
~When I am sad you bring me joy
laughter takes it’s place~
~When I am angry and annoyed
you put a smile on my face~
~When I am ill you make me well
taking little sleep~
~Within your soul an Angel dwells
watching over me~
~You are my one my all my everything
no more could I want of~
~I need you more than anything
you are my one big love~
Duke Sherman