~Your are my dream
I dream at night~
~You reign Supreme
within my sight~
~My hunger grows
a fire burns~
~Within my Soul
for you I yearn~
~The fire swarms
and grows within~
~My blood is warmed
beneath my skin~
~I long to taste
of nectard mist~
~That lies await
within your kiss~
~To hold you tight
in my embrace~
~The whole of night
be interlaced~
~To know your touch
of skin to skin~
~And feel your Love
from deep within~
~To wake each morn
you by my side~
~My life adorned
by Heaven’s light~
~To walk the sands
of ever time~
~Our hands in hand
and Hearts in rhyme~
~Your are my dream
I dream at night~
~You reign Supreme
within my sight~
Duke Sherman