Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blackhorse 'O Blackhorse


~Blackhorse 'O Blackhorse
you are my strength~
~The very source
my life of length~
~You bestowed me Honor
for I would die~
~You taught me power
and I survived~
~Many Battles fought
ground into mud~
~For Freedom’s sought
by our Brother’s blood~
~We never gave up
attacking with force~
~We were the Blackhorse
the enemy’s judge~
~Admit no defeat
to the death we would fight~
~There was no retreat
for the Blackhorse’s might~
~Into Battle we’d yell
“To the Devil’s Watch-
We thrust you to Hell”
~Where your Master dwells
in Satin’s crotch~
~One hundred of us
ten thousand of you~
~Your blood be our lust
‘til every last slew~
~One by one ten by ten
we fell them to the ground~
~Sending them to Satin’s Den
by our Duty bound~
~We are the Blackhorse
our Battles we choose~
~The mightiest of Force
no Battle we loose~
~For God and Country
for Freedom’s way~
~We take our Bounty
by night by day~
~By almighty God
their blood we spewed~
~As be a Lighting rod
killing multitudes~
~Cleansing the Evil 
that haunts the land~
~The Blackhorse be Lethal
by God’s mighty hand~
~To my Blackhorse Brethren
a Mighty Hoo-ah~
~To my enemy’s aggression
 Shock and Awe~

Duke Sherman

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