Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ignite My Passion's Burn


~Mere the thought of touching you
excites my every yearn~
~The way you speak the way you move
ignites my Passion’s burn~
~You are my hunger’s appetite
the lust within my soul~
~Passion’s fire burning bright
the boiling afterglow~
~The lava’s flow within my blood
cooking in my veins~
~Imbued in that of Passion’s lust 
driving me insane~
~I long to taste your sultry lips
tongues be in of dance~
~Drink of that be in your kiss
falling in to trance~
~Inhale the sweetness of your scent
nibble on your neck~
~Swim the contours of your length
drown within your breasts~
~Dive the depths your inner thighs
searching buried treasure~
~Resting far of deep inside
Eden’s forbidden pleasure~
~Penetrate the treasure’s chest
hear you moan in sigh~
~Cumming together be abreast
collating deep inside~
~Satisfy my appetite
the lusting in my soul~
~Entwined in love throughout the night
drink the afterglow~
~Fulfill myself by pleasing you
exciting my every yearn~
~Hear your sighs and feel you move
igniting my Passion’s burn~
~Make you cum in screaming bliss
taste you with my tongue~
~Fall asleep embraced in kiss
entwined be as of one~
Duke Sherman

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